How to Add Tonmind SIP ONVIF Speaker in Dahua DSS VMS

April 25 , 2024

Tonmind's ONVIF Speaker integration with Dahua DSS VMS allows for seamless communication and control within the security surveillance system. Here are the steps to add the Tonmind ONVIF speaker to Dahua DSS VMS.

Integrating Tonmind ONVIF speaker Dahua DSS VMS enables efficient and effective communication in security surveillance systems. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of adding the Tonmind sip speaker to Dahua DSS VMS. By following these steps, you'll be able to enhance your surveillance capabilities and ensure seamless audio communication in IP PA System. Let's get started!

1. Open the Dahua DSS VMS server and log in to the client interface.

2. Click on the "Tools" option in the basic configuration page to begin adding the device.

3. Enter the Tonmind IP Speaker IP address and password, ensuring that the access protocol is set to ONVIF.

4. After entering the details, click "OK" to save. Then, provide a name for the device, such as "211," and set the video channel to 1.

5. Once the settings are saved and applied, the device status should show as "Online" as depicted in the image, indicating successful addition of the ONVIF speaker.

6. Open the monitor center, and on the left side, you will find the successfully added IP speaker. Drag and drop it to the center of the main screen.

7. Click on the speaker icon and microphone icon to initiate audio playback and two-way communication.

In conclusion, the process of adding the Tonmind ONVIF speaker in Dahua DSS VMS is straightforward and user-friendly. It offers convenience and wide-ranging applications in the field of security surveillance.

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